The Foundation Lab
What is The Foundation Lab?
Foundation Lab is an educational space where creativity and technology foster innovation and problem-solving.
It serves diverse learning trajectories, develops essential skills, and collaborates on real-world projects to inspire and empower innovators by providing a supportive environment for experimentation and creativity.
The Foundation Lab

The Foundation Labs are located in rural and suburban areas to expand the reach of entrepreneurial opportunities and bridge the gap between urban and non-urban economic development

The Concept

Learning Trajectories: Offering specialised design thinking and storytelling pathways to cater to diverse interests and skill sets.
Hands-On Learning: Emphasising practical, project-based learning to equip learners with real-world skills and experiences.



Peer-to-Peer Learning: Emphasizing collaboration and knowledge sharing among students.

Project-Based Approach: Engaging students in hands-on, real-world projects to apply their learning.

Learning Trajectories

Peer-to-Peer Learning: Emphasizing collaboration and knowledge sharing among students.

Project-Based Approach: Engaging students in hands-on, real-world projects to apply their learning.


The Program Overview

Duration: Each learning trajectory lasts 8 weeks, and there are two levels available: Level A (ages 12-18) and Level B (ages 18 and above).

Learning Sessions: There are two supervised learning sessions per week, each lasting two hours. Additionally, three days per week are dedicated to unsupervised learning.


Assessments and Projects

Individual Assignments: Demonstrate understanding and application of concepts.

Group Assignments: Foster teamwork, creativity, and problem-solving.

Final Project: Showcase skills and creativity.